Personal statement guide for Masters courses

Your personal statement is an important part of your postgraduate application. It gives your reasons for wanting to do the course and shows your ability to complete the course successfully. A strong personal statement will optimise your chances of success.

Please note: students who do not clearly address the questions outlined below in their personal statement may not be considered and we would be unable to accept any further applications for this course for this intake.

The total word limit is 900 words maximum. It must be in English and in your own words.

Please make sure that you answer the three following questions on the postgraduate application form in the personal statement tabs, keeping to the advised word count.


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Why are you interested in this course? (300 words max.)

Given what you know about the required skills for this course, please give (300 words max.)

a) some specific examples of your skills and experience to date that will help you to succeed

b) some specific examples of what you will do between now and the start of the course to prepare for study.

How could studying this course benefit you in the future? (300 words max.)

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University of the West of England
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1QY
United Kingdom