10 Retirement Letter Samples to Notify Your Employer

Retirement is an exciting and occasionally bittersweet moment in many people’s careers. A retirement letter is not only an HR requirement in most workplaces, it’s also an opportunity to express your appreciation to your employer and leave on a note that reflects how you would like your colleagues to remember your time together.

Even if you let your employer know verbally that you plan to retire, you’ll likely be asked to submit a retirement letter so they have an official record that you initiated the end of your employment with them.

In this post, we provide written 10 different retirement letter samples to use, so you’re sure to find one that feels right for your situation. We’ve split them up into formal and informal letters, but all retirement letters generally follow a similar format.

Retirement letters are typically cordial and express gratitude. They also usually include an offer to help with the transition and state your last day of work. In more familiar letters, it’s also customary to include a brief summary of your time with your employer, your plans for the future, and well wishes.

With your letter submitted and the retirement process underway, you’ll have plenty of extra time to focus on the next chapter of your life . If one of your retirement adventures includes entrepreneurship , Ownr can help you incorporate or register your new business , and provide access to legal support that allows you to focus on building a thriving enterprise.

Formal retirement letter samples

While there’s generally some formality to all retirement letters, these templates are useful if you want to maintain a strictly professional tone.

Professional and Friendly

This is a formal, but warm letter to send your manager or supervisor.

Dear [Manager]:

With this letter, I am officially notifying you and [Company] of my intention to retire. My final day of work will be [Date].

While I look forward to the next chapter of my life, I want to offer my sincere gratitude for all of the opportunities you created for me at [Company]. I have many great memories of my time here as a [Role] and will miss working with you and the rest of my wonderful colleagues.

I will be fully engaged until my retirement and will do all I can to help with the transition of my work to another employee, or with the hiring and training of a new hire. I look forward to making the transition as smooth as possible.

Once again, I have greatly enjoyed my time at [Company] and I am certain I will look back fondly on our workplace and all of my colleagues. I wish you and our team all the best in the future.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional information. I intend to meet with HR this week to complete any formal processes that are required.




For More Than One Manager

If you’re addressing multiple managers in your retirement announcement, try this template.

Dear [Management Team, Multiple Managers],

For the past [X] years it has been my pleasure to be a part of the [Company] team and to learn from each of you. It has been a gratifying, challenging, and enriching experience, and I am truly proud of what we have been able to accomplish together.

I am writing to inform you that I will be retiring from my position as [Role] on [Date]. This has sincerely been one of the best chapters of my professional life, and it has been a privilege to call each of you a colleague.

I would like to express my gratitude for all of your support, kindness, and mentorship over these [X] wonderful years.

I am confident that you will continue to take [Company] to new heights and have fun in the process. I wish the absolute best for each and every one of you.



Thanking Your Team

Address your colleagues with this formal, but friendly retirement letter.

Dear [Company] Colleagues,

With a great sense of gratitude, I am writing to you all to inform you that I intend to retire on [Date]. For the [X] years that I have been fortunate enough to call you my colleagues, you’ve made the experience of working at [Company] a great pleasure.

This team made me feel welcome from my first day here, and I will always be grateful for this and for the strong team we have been able to form together.

I have no doubts that [Company] will keep reaching new heights with such an incredible group of people working together.

If I can ever be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. It has been a true honour to call all of you my colleagues.

Best Regards,


Notify Human Resources

This letter would be appropriate for an HR manager who you also have some familiarity with as a colleague

Dear [HR Manager],

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of retirement. My employment with [Company] will end on [Date].

I look forward to my retirement, but would like to take the opportunity to extend my gratitude to you and the whole team for the wonderful workplace environment I’ve enjoyed here.

If I can be of assistance in transferring my tasks to a new team member, please let me know. I want to help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Best Regards,


Express Your Gratitude

This is a great template to use for a manager who you really appreciated working with.

Dear [Manager],

Please accept this formal notice of my retirement. My last day will be [Date].

I am proud of and grateful for my time at [Company]. Your guidance and support have been invaluable, and the culture fostered here is something all my colleagues should be proud to be a part of. Thank you for the trust you placed in me and for creating plentiful opportunities for my professional advancement and development.

I hope my friendships here will carry on into the future and, as much as I look forward to my next chapter, I know I will miss this team.

Please let me know how I may be of assistance during this transition. I would be more than happy to help in the hiring and training of my replacement.



Short and To-the-Point

If you’re looking for a brief formal letter for HR, try this template.

Dear [HR],

As my manager has been made aware, I am retiring from my position at [Company] effective [Date].

I am grateful for my time here and will remember all of my colleagues and our achievements fondly. Please let me know how I may be of assistance in helping with the transition

Best Regards,

Informal retirement letter samples

If you want to convey a more familiar tone in your retirement letter, try one of these templates.

For a Manager and a Friend

Use this letter for a manager who you have a more familiar working relationship with.

Dear [Manager],

It is with great pleasure and sincere gratitude that I submit my notice of retirement. During my time with [Company], I’ve had the honour of growing both professionally and personally, and I will always be grateful for the [X] years I had the privilege to work here.

I extend my thanks to all the colleagues who made me feel welcome as part of the team when I first joined, were generous with their expertise, and made my tenure here so special.

As I move on to the new opportunities life has to offer in retirement, I wish you and the rest of our team much continued success and all the best both professionally and personally.

I am very appreciative of all of your support and guidance during our time working together at [Company]. If I can ever be of assistance to you in the future, please know you can always get in touch!




To Reminisce With Your Team

This retirement letter addresses your whole team and gives you a chance to walk down memory lane a little bit. It’s well suited to someone who spent a long time at a company.

To my wonderful team,

After a memorable [X]-year tenure at [Company], the time has come for me to retire. While I am eager to embark on the next chapter, I know I will miss you all.

Your hard work and dedication always made my job easier, and having such a fantastic team to work with each day has been a true privilege.

[Company] has changed a great deal since I first started. Back then, we were a tiny team trying to make a name for ourselves in [Industry]. Over the years, I’m proud to have been a part of the process of growing [Company] into the recognized brand it is today. As you all know, it wasn’t always easy, but having such a competent and dedicated team made it possible.

In my retirement, I plan to stay active with [Hobbies], travel, and volunteer with [Organization]. It will be a strange change of pace, but one I look forward to!

My last day as [Role] will be [Date]. Until then, I will work hard to make this transition smooth for all of you and for my replacement.

I would love to stay in touch with you all and can be reached at [Personal Email].

[Management] is planning a small farewell party on [Date] at [Location], and I hope to see you all there!



Short and Sweet

This is a short, but friendly template you can adapt.

Hello [Team],

After over two decades of working at this great company, the time has come for me to retire. My [X] years here have been made wonderful and memorable thanks to this team. I appreciate all of the opportunities I’ve had at [Company], and working with you all has been a sincere pleasure.

I’m most excited to be able to spend more time with my [Spouse/Family/Friends], take some courses I’ve always wanted to take, and travel.

I will do my best to be as helpful as possible in this transition. It has been my great honour to work with all of you!



A Warm Goodbye

This is a warm, informal retirement letter that you can send your colleagues or adapt and send to a manager.

Dear friends at [Company],

It is with great gratitude that I submit my notice of retirement today. Over the [X] years I spent with [Company] we have had many incredible and happy experiences and done work we can all be proud of. None of this would have been possible without such dedicated and talented people by my side. You’ve all taught me something along the way.

My last day as [Role] will be [Date]. Until then, I would like to help make the transition as easy as possible. Please get in touch if there is any way I can help in preparing for the transfer of my tasks.

Thank you all for being such wonderful colleagues. I know I will miss [Company]!

