Get savings every time you use the Holiday Smart Savings Credit Card. Need to fuel up your ride? Pay with the Smart Savings Credit Card and you'll be saving 5¢ per gallon. And the savings don't stop there - you'll get a discount on purchases inside the store too. So whether it's a snack or a soda, enjoy the savings!
Product_Fuel_RegGet a 5cent statement rebate on every gallon of fuel you purchase
Product_Beverage_Hot_RegGet a 5% statement rebate on qualifying in-store purchases.
For the first 90 days, new account holders receive double discounts!
Question about your existing Holiday Credit Card account? Email us at or call 1-800-745-7411, Option 1 .
To report a lost or stolen Holiday Credit Card, call one of the numbers below. Customer support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Twin Cities Metro Area: 952-921-5204
Outside the Twin Cities Metro Area: 800-745-7411, Option 1